Friday, January 21, 2005


Well I've finally gotten around to posting another blog. Things have been so hectic lately I've had to put sleep on the "to-do" list. Heather and I continue plugging away at advancing our careers and soaking up as much knowledge and info around us as possible. I've become so accustomed to it by this point that leisurely reading intails a break from the computer screen with an industry journal; no more AutoWeek for me. The sad part is I'm actually enjoying it a bit, and the more I learn and understand, the more I know I don't know much and that I want to know more (sorry for the dorky word play there). We sure do have to do something about that pesky 74 mile commute and perpetual rain however.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

But a Test

Sorry to all of you hanging by a tread waiting to see what poetic beauty spawns from my fingers today, as you refresh every 15 minutes in sheer hope of some wisdomic transcript; for this is but a test. Stay tuned however, for the floodgates will in fact open someday soon and we'll 'let the games begin'.