Friday, February 04, 2005


Why is it that as a society we have an everlasting desire for perfection, yet don't motivate ourselves or capitalize on something until it is either absolutely necessary or too late? I'm as guilty of it as anyone, which made me think of my idle behaviors. Now there are plenty of arguments to refute my testimony, but hear me out. We all know we need to keep fit, that this is imperative to sustaining healthy living, yet we don't diet and monitor our bodies until their becomes an apparent problem. The same goes for relationships. We service them from time to time, but are we really building them stronger and putting in what we get out. I receive the occasional phone call or email touching base, and reciprocate them accordingly, .....Alot of this can be blamed on time, or time management. We necessitate our priorities and respond to this value system in accordance to deadline, disaster, or emergency. Doesn't seem like much of a way to live, but we all do it. Procrastination sets in on any and all mundane tasks, yet we seem to voluntarily attack instances that bring ourselves immediate satisfaction; Human nature I know, but why don't we recognize these futile advancements in our life as just that, and why don't we strive for more? Laziness... not really, because I can vouch that many of the people I surround myself with are ambitious and productive. For myself, I think the matter lies in vision. I see the day-to-day, the tomorrow, and maybe the month, and I believe I think about the future, but I think I see future as a utopia time produces rather than a chess game I have to strategically engulf myself in.
For a culture that claims to hang its hat on a "Just do it" mentality, we sure seem to rely heavily on the "If it's not broken, don't fix it" attitude. I could go on-and-on with this, but it's time to get it posted. If you'd like me to complete my thoughts, post a comment.